I am a Certified Co-ActiveCoach,, Leadership Coach, Enneagram Individual and Team Coach and a facilitator /designer of workshops and programs for individual and group transformation. As the former Wellness Director and Leadership Coach for the visionary women’s clothing company, Eileen Fisher, I helped to build a culture of wellbeing, connection and caring. There I co-created and facilitated a progressive growth and development program for leaders and individual contributors.
I facilitate a remarkable workshop framework for deepening connection, understanding and belonging called Finding Us In Music™.
With my soul-sister, Dena Wiggins, I hold space for a monthly virtual conversation called “Soul to Soul” where bridge builders, and those who hold space for greater compassion, love and humanity connect around emergent topics. For 2023 we are using the Inner Development Goals as a jumping off place for these gatherings.
Dena and I are also offering a virtual retreat for those working in the Non-Profit, Education and Healthcare systems we’re calling “When Mission Is Not Enough”. These soul nourishing retreats are designed to create communities of support, healing and transformation for those in service who need to re-connect with their flame.
I am a mindfulness practitioner and teacher, a professional singer and licensed massage therapist, and I bring my wide experience in life to my work and connection with my clients.
I believe that the path of self discovery, to our deepest humanity, compassion and interconnectedness is what will heal our world. This is my passion and my purpose.
The Enneagram is a powerful framework for use on the path of self-discovery. Based on nine core personality styles, it offers a rich map for personal development and awareness with a focus on integration and wholeness. It helps us to uncover the often unconscious motivations and patterns of behavior that inhibit our ability to live our fullest lives and manifest our inner purpose in the world.
The discovery of the Enneagram was life changing for me. I’ve worked with other archetypal systems before, but this one has had the most profound influence on the way I see and work with my habitual patterns and reactions. I have witnessed the benefits both for myself and for my clients in having this framework to support our human understanding, our connection with others and our service in the world.
Through my work at Eileen Fisher, coaching leaders and facilitating group work, I witnessed the profound impact that working with the Enneagram can have on an individual’s own personal transformation and development and from there, the powerful and lasting connections they develop with others - in teams, with friends and family members. It helps them bring more awareness and compassion to their relationships.
My intention in all my coaching and facilitating is to help clients go beyond the superficial and external evidence of their daily lives, to the deeper inner experience of life.